I’m a THIEF!

theif? (i-before-e-except-after-you-have-been-in-Africa-for-three-days-but-haven’t-yet-slept-through-the-night*)

Anyway I’m stealing people’s  words to give you so go ahead and picture me with a bandit mask.

I thought just before the new year that it might help encourage/keep people accountable to do part of my REAP for my blog

and I WANT to encourage people to read their bible because peoplefriends, your bible is GOOD for you. It tells you the truth and the truth is:

THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU and various other ridiculous, insane, i can’t believe but i DO believe’ scary but good to know stuff. Like, you don’t deserve his love and never can but he just gives it anyway. (I can feel the reformed persisters riling up. Whatever. Post a comment with more theological backing.)

ANDPLUSALSOTOO, the Bible really can be funny, entertaining, mind-blowing, beautiful, anddidimention crazy because it is OFTEN crazy (anybody else a little off-put about the dudes who literally killed their neighbors for greener grass? What was that, Chronicles 4?).

Anywhatsit, I LOVE the reading plan I followed last year and am following again this year.


it’s NOT going to work for everyone. In fact, some of you have already missed a day. or a week. or forgot to start. (I missed the fifth, and had to read it on the AM of the sixth. And that I lost 9 hours of the day traveling doesn’t count because I WAS SITTING IN A CHAIR THE OTHER 15 HOURS OF THAT DAY and could have read!)

You know who feels our pain? Molly Piper who wrote this guest blog at (in)courage. Go there. Read it. Follow links.


Also potentially helpful is this blog from desiringgod.org (where you find lots of goodies from Molly’s father-in-law, John Piper.

*Jo and the three other people who are already alarmed about my sleeping patterns, don’t worry, we’re chillaxing plenty over here I’m just a bit…loopy. ;)

One thought on “I’m a THIEF!

  1. I sent you an email about this – but I got the “out of office” reply, so be sure to look for it when you get back :-) love you!

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